I’m Sophie Moore a Product Designer from New York

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I’ve been designing digital products for more than 15 years

Vitae enim ut interdum id mi sit id aliquam purus urna ipsum augue lorem est metus turpis tincidunt vitaeniolm siet sollicitudin sit aliquet nunc a enim commodo.

More about me

My resume

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Head of Product Design
Feb 2022
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Product Designer
Sep 2018
Jan 2022
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UI/UX Designer
May 2015
Sep 2018
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Junior Designer
Apr 2011
May 2015

My skills

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Product design
UI/UX Design Icon - Simplefolio X Webflow Template
UI/UX design
UX Research Icon - Simplefolio X Webflow Template
UX research
Frontend Development Icon - Simplefolio X Webflow Template
Frontend development
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Let’s work together! Send me a message!

80+ Websites made with


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200+ projects designed in


3+ Years using


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Let’s get in touch today and get started with your project!