I've Been Designing Digital Products For More Than 15 Years - Simplefolio X Webflow Template

I’m Sophie Moore a Product Designer from New York

More about me
80+ Websites made with


80+ Websites Made With Webflow - Simplefolio X Webflow Template
200+ projects designed in


3+ Years using


My resume

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Head of Product Design
Feb 2022

Lacus fames potenti gravida lobortis morbi orci suspendisse rhoncus lacus aenean vivamus vitae pellentesque orci gravida nam orci.

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Product Designer
Sep 2018
Jan 2022

Non viverra sed pellentesque duis vivamus semper iaculis et luctus bibendum sed varius arcu felis non porta ornare convallis sit.

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UI/UX Designer
May 2015
Sep 2018

Amet et duis at eleifend ac lacus condimentum accumsan a ornare ut sagittis feugiat tempor consequat libero ac magnis convallis.

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Let’s work together! Send me a message!

My location

I live in the big city of New York

My skills

Product Design Icon - Simplefolio X Webflow Template
Product design
UI/UX Design Icon - Simplefolio X Webflow Template
UI/UX design
UX Research Icon - Simplefolio X Webflow Template
UX research
Frontend Development Icon - Simplefolio X Webflow Template
Frontend development

About me

Vitae enim ut interdum id mi sit id aliquam purus urna ipsum augue lorem est metus turpis tincidunt vitaeniolm siest.

More about me
UI/UX Design for banking platform
UI/UX Design for banking platform

UI/UX Design for banking platform

Amet et duis at eleifend ac lacus condimentum accumsan a ornare ut sagittis feugiat tempor consequat libero ac magnis convallis.

UX/UI design
May 2024
Website Design for CRM platform
Website Design for CRM platform

Website Design for CRM platform

Amet et duis at eleifend ac lacus condimentum accumsan a ornare ut sagittis feugiat tempor consequat libero ac magnis convallis.

Product design
May 2024

What they say about my products

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur sed quisque.

John Carter - Simplefolio X Webflow Template

“One of a kind Designer”

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur congue odio fusce odio phasellus egestas ut mauris proin neque egestas vivamus quis eu massa eget leo pulvinar auctor.

John Carter
New York, NY
Sophie Moore - Simplefolio X Webflow Template

“Exactly what I was looking for”

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur congue odio fusce odio phasellus egestas ut mauris proin neque egestas vivamus quis eu massa eget leo pulvinar auctor.

Sophie Moore
Los Angeles, CA
John Carter - Simplefolio X Webflow Template

“One of a kind Designer”

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur congue odio fusce odio phasellus egestas ut mauris proin neque egestas vivamus quis eu massa eget leo pulvinar auctor.

John Carter
New York, NY
Let’s Get In Touch Today And Get Started With Your Project - Simplefolio X Webflow Template

Let’s get in touch today and get started with your project!